The Cycle Logo represents the cycle of growth. It symbolizes the experience of this amazing gift we call life.

The Number 47 represents the age of co-owner Jonas Bevacqua's mother when he and Robert Wright created the company. "She has been the most incredible role model and supporter of my life" -Jonas

The giraffe is our symbol of elevation. The giraffe is able to see beyond the rest.

The Tree is the result of the roots becoming strong, supporting growth. The Tree is what we've become. The tree represents "overground effective." The Roots are our origin, the beginning of the life of our company. The Roots represent "underground inventive"

LR Geans is a branch of L-R-G that specializes in denim of all types. It's the goal of LR Geans to push the boundaries of all things denim. Our back pocket branding is our cursive L stretched and tilted.
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